Book List
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
Words and Pictures by Mo Willems
When a bus driver takes a break, a pigeon volunteers to drive the bus! This book will have children giggling with delight as they answer the pigeon when he asks if he can drive the bus!
You Get What You Get
Written by Julie A. Gassman, Illustrated by Sarah Horne
Melvin adopts his teacher's rule at home after his sister throws a fit, but soon realizes that he must now follow the rule both at school and at home. This book is a great resource for teaching children how to cope with disappointment and accept that we don't always get what we want.
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
by Jane Yolen, Illustrated by Mark Teague
The "How Do Dinosaurs" series is a wonderful addition to storytime lineups because it combines humor with valuable life lessons. Children will giggle with delight when they see the dinosaurs misbehaving and agree when they see them behaving properly.
Big Bad Bubble
by Adam Rubin, Illustrated by Daniel Salmieri
Have you ever wondered where bubbles go once they’re popped? They go to La La Land, where Mogo is afraid of bubbles and all the other monsters are afraid of them. With the readers' help, Mogo and the other monsters will take on the bubbles! This book will engage children in helping the monsters conquer their fear. And who doesn't love bubbles?
Terrible, Awful, Horrible Manners!
by Beth Bracken, Illustrated by Richard Watson
Pete doesn't have the best manners but doesn't care until his family starts acting like he does. Will Pete change his ways? This book combines humor with teachable moments to help children understand why manners are important.
It's a Tiger
by David LaRochelle, Illustrated by Jeremy Tankard
The story begins with the main character in the jungle when, suddenly, a tiger appears, leading to a series of thrilling encounters. The persistent tiger keeps making unexpected appearances, maintaining high excitement. As children imagine themselves as part of the adventure, they can eagerly join in, mimicking the characters and playfully exclaiming "a tiger" at every twist and turn in the book.
The End
by David LaRochelle, Illustrated by Richard Egielski
This story begins at the end of a tale about a knight who falls in love with a princess. Join them on their adventure, which includes bunnies, a giant, a flying teacup, a dragon, and lemons!
The Color Monster
by Ana Llenas
The Color Monster is feeling confused because he is experiencing all of his emotions at once. A little girl helps him separate his feelings into colors that represent different emotions. This book is perfect for helping children understand that the feelings they experience inside are actually emotions and what they represent.
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons
by Eric Litwin Illustrated by James Dean (Creator of Pete the Cat)
Pete the Cat keeps losing his buttons. Does he cry? No! What happens when he loses the last button? Keep reading to find out. Children will love counting Pete’s missing buttons and singing along to this musical, friendly book while learning an important lesson.